Tharpaker District in the famous Thar Desert spans over 120000 square miles across the India and Pakistan. There are different kind tribes of Hindus living there like Bheel, Koli, Menghwar. Muslim tribes are Sameja, Sama, Somro and Bajeer. Their way of living is quite simple. They live in shelters of bushes and Mud and livelihood is totally depending of rain, there is no source of water.
The desert population is 1.6 million people. Most of Hindus tribe like Bheel’s language is Dhatti. Islamkot, Mitthi, Nangerparker Deplo and Chachroo are the big cities of this Desert.
We caught the idea from final lecture of Jesus Christ. Mathew 28:19 Our central point is to reach the unreached people with Gospel.
Spread the Gospel
Being a believer it is our duty to share the Gospel to all the nation, that they can embrace the truth and be set free from sin and enter the kingdom of heaven by accepting Jesus.